Working on Now - Beautifying East Hampton

If you’re headed to East Hampton, Long Island, this summer, you are in for a treat. Bayview is working with Rice Architects to upgrade the visitor experience of a section of this quaint downtown shopping district. The new streetscape design brings pedestrian activity to the alleyway between a cluster of busy downtown shops and coincides with the renovation of a centrally located building. 

The project will revitalize the pedestrian corridors with new street furniture, plantings, and lighting, helping people feel comfortable in the space from day to night. A variety of seating types and configurations will support the retail and new dining establishments, while plantings will add vibrancy and color to the storefronts. 

We’re on a fast track with this project, with the goal of having the design built in time for the 2024 summer season. Keep up to date on the progress on Instagram @bayviewlandarch


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